Protect Your Income With Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance

Could you maintain your lifestyle and cover your everyday expenses if you were unable to work due to illness, injury, surgery, or maternity leave? Disabilities can happen unexpectedly, and your income could be significantly reduced.  PROTECT YOUR INCOME TODAY > 

Below are some key highlights of the plan, along with an income chart to help you determine the amount of tax-free income you can apply for.

  • Rates start at $4 a week
  • Rates do not increase as you age
  • Rates do not increase if you file a claim
  • Select your tax-free monthly benefit from $400 – $7,500
  • Your disability benefits are not taxable—receive your check completely tax-free!
  • You are covered 24/7 both on and off-the-job
  • You must be working at least 25 hours a week to apply for coverage
  • Pre-existing conditions are covered one year after the policy effective date
  • The elimination period for each claim is 14 days, meaning there is no coverage during the first 14 days. Coverage begins on day 15
  • Select your benefit period: 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. This determines the maximum amount of time you can be out for each incident
  • You must be under the care of a physician and not working at all anywhere in order to file a claim
  • Receive 100% of your disability benefit if your incident occurs outside of work
  • Receive 50% of your disability benefit if your incident occurs while at work
  • Maternity leave is covered 9 months after the policy effective date. You can file a claim if you give birth after 9 months of having your policy
  • Maternity leave is a set amount of time—four weeks paid for a natural childbirth and six weeks paid for a C-section
  • Your monthly benefit is based on your gross income (before taxes and expenses). This qualifies you for a higher monthly disability benefit
  • If you ever decide to change jobs or move to another state, you’ll still retain all of your benefits and coverage—nothing will change
  • You can cancel anytime
  • You can keep your policy until age 70 
  • Apply today to be covered for the first of next month
  • Applying for coverage is simple and only takes 15 minutes. CONTACT US > and we will help you to apply 

Below are approximate weekly rates. Your rate may be lower or higher and will be determined once you customize your plan to meet your needs. Rates are based on age, state, benefit period, and elimination period. Contact us and we will instantly provide you with your exact rate. You can select any monthly benefit that you would like up to your annual gross income limit. As your income increases you may apply for a higher monthly benefit if you would like to.

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Your Annual Gross Income

Your Monthly Tax-Free Benefit

Your Approximate Weekly Rate

Coverage may not be available in all states; product benefits vary by state. Policies have exclusions and limitations that may affect benefits payable. For cost and complete details, please contact a representative.